Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Our Performance in 2018 TNPSC AE Combined Engineering Service Exam

Congratulations to Our 2018 AE Combined Engineering Service Examination TOP Rankers

Friday, November 2, 2018

TNPSC AE CIVIL 2018 Exam Predicted Cutoff

TNPSC AE CIVIL 2018 Exam Predicted Cutoff  by Pyramid IAS Academy.

We are happy to inform you that all TOP 5 AE's of 2018 Exam are from Our Institute. 9 students in TOP 10 & 41 students from TOP 50 ranks.

* it is Based on the Assumption that all the students will opt for highways as first priority. it is subjected to variations as well.

Pyramid IAS Academy is conducting next batch of Classes for TNPSC CESE Assistant Engineer Civil / SSC Junior Engineer Civil 2018 @ Karaikudi from 14.11.2018.